--- Command "vm" (took 46.000108s): set DART_CONFIGURATION=ReleaseX64 & set DART_SUPPRESS_WER=1 & set CHROME_PATH=C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\third_party\browsers\chrome\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe & out\ReleaseX64\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe --enable_asserts --sound-null-safety -Dtest_runner.configuration=unittest-asserts-release-win-x64 --ignore-unrecognized-flags --packages=C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\.dart_tool\package_config.json C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\pkg\dds\test\dap\integration\debug_eval_test.dart exit code: 255 stdout: 00:00 +0: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with simple results 00:01 +1: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with complex results 00:03 +2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions ending with semicolons 00:04 +3: debug mode evaluation evaluates complex expressions with evaluateToStringInDebugViews=true 00:06 +4: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (simple type) 00:07 +5: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (complex type) 00:08 +6: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException.x.y to x.y on the threads exception 00:10 +7: debug mode evaluation can evaluate expressions in non-top frames 00:11 +7: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with simple results Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:12 +8: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors 00:13 +8: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with complex results Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:14 +8 -1: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors [E] Expected: throws with `success`: false and `message`: (contains 'evaluateInFrame: (113) Expression compilation error' and contains '\'String\' can\'t be assigned to a variable of type \'num\'.' and contains '1 + "a"\n' ' ^') Actual: '> Which: threw RequestException:\n#1 BaseDebugAdapter.handle (package:dds/src/dap/base_debug_adapter.dart:141:7)\n\n" } } }, "command": "evaluate", "message": "evaluateInFrame: (113) Expression compilation error\norg-dartlang-debug:synthetic_debug_expression:1:5: Error: A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'num'.\n1 + \"a\"\n ^", "request_seq": 8, "success": false }> stack which is not an instance of 'Response' package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 149:31 fail package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 125:9 _expect. dart:async/zone.dart 1407:47 _rootRunUnary dart:async/zone.dart 1308:19 _CustomZone.runUnary ===== asynchronous gap =========================== package:test_api/hooks.dart 75:3 OutstandingWork.complete 00:14 +8 -1: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context 00:14 +8 -1: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions ending with semicolons Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:15 +8 -2: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context [E] Expected: throws with `success`: false and `message`: 'A value of type \'String\' can\'t be assigned to a variable of type \'num\'.' Actual: '> Which: threw RequestException:\n#1 BaseDebugAdapter.handle (package:dds/src/dap/base_debug_adapter.dart:141:7)\n\n" } } }, "command": "evaluate", "message": "A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'num'.", "request_seq": 8, "success": false }> stack which is not an instance of 'Response' package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 149:31 fail package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 125:9 _expect. dart:async/zone.dart 1407:47 _rootRunUnary dart:async/zone.dart 1308:19 _CustomZone.runUnary ===== asynchronous gap =========================== package:test_api/hooks.dart 75:3 OutstandingWork.complete 00:15 +8 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates complex expressions with evaluateToStringInDebugViews=true Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:16 +8 -2: debug mode evaluation returns truncated strings by default 00:17 +8 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (simple type) Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:17 +9 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string without quotes when context is "clipboard" 00:18 +9 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (complex type) Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:19 +10 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string with quotes when context is "repl" 00:20 +10 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException.x.y to x.y on the threads exception Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:21 +11 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string with quotes when context is a script 00:22 +11 -2: debug mode evaluation can evaluate expressions in non-top frames Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:22 +12 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation can evaluate in a bin/ file when not paused given a bin/ URI 00:24 +12 -2: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:24 +13 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation can evaluate when not paused given a lib/ URI 00:25 +13 -2: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:26 +14 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation returns a suitable error with no context 00:27 +14 -2: debug mode evaluation returns truncated strings by default Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:28 +15 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation returns a suitable error with an unknown script context 00:29 +15 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string without quotes when context is "clipboard" Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:30 +16 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",nq" suppresses quotes on strings 00:31 +16 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string with quotes when context is "repl" Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:31 +17 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",h" renders numbers in hex 00:32 +17 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string with quotes when context is a script Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:33 +18 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",d" renders numbers in decimal 00:34 +18 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation can evaluate in a bin/ file when not paused given a bin/ URI Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:35 +19 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers apply to child values 00:36 +19 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation can evaluate when not paused given a lib/ URI Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:37 +20 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers multiple can be applied in any order 00:38 +20 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation returns a suitable error with no context Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:39 +21 -2: debug mode evaluation value formats supports format.hex in evaluation arguments 00:40 +21 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation returns a suitable error with an unknown script context Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:40 +22 -2: Some tests failed. Consider enabling the flag chain-stack-traces to receive more detailed exceptions. For example, 'dart test --chain-stack-traces'. stderr: Unhandled exception: Dummy exception to set exit code. --- Re-run this test: python3 tools/test.py -n unittest-asserts-release-win-x64 pkg/dds/test/dap/integration/debug_eval_test ====================================================== --- Command "vm" (took 23.000570s): set DART_CONFIGURATION=ReleaseX64 & set DART_SUPPRESS_WER=1 & set CHROME_PATH=C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\third_party\browsers\chrome\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe & out\ReleaseX64\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe --enable_asserts --sound-null-safety -Dtest_runner.configuration=unittest-asserts-release-win-x64 --ignore-unrecognized-flags --packages=C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\.dart_tool\package_config.json C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\pkg\dds\test\dap\integration\debug_eval_test.dart exit code: 255 stdout: 00:00 +0: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with simple results 00:00 +1: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with complex results 00:01 +2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions ending with semicolons 00:02 +3: debug mode evaluation evaluates complex expressions with evaluateToStringInDebugViews=true 00:03 +4: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (simple type) 00:04 +5: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (complex type) 00:04 +6: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException.x.y to x.y on the threads exception 00:05 +7: debug mode evaluation can evaluate expressions in non-top frames 00:06 +8: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors 00:07 +8 -1: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors [E] Expected: throws with `success`: false and `message`: (contains 'evaluateInFrame: (113) Expression compilation error' and contains '\'String\' can\'t be assigned to a variable of type \'num\'.' and contains '1 + "a"\n' ' ^') Actual: '> Which: threw RequestException:\n#1 BaseDebugAdapter.handle (package:dds/src/dap/base_debug_adapter.dart:141:7)\n\n" } } }, "command": "evaluate", "message": "evaluateInFrame: (113) Expression compilation error\norg-dartlang-debug:synthetic_debug_expression:1:5: Error: A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'num'.\n1 + \"a\"\n ^", "request_seq": 8, "success": false }> stack which is not an instance of 'Response' package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 149:31 fail package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 125:9 _expect. dart:async/zone.dart 1407:47 _rootRunUnary dart:async/zone.dart 1308:19 _CustomZone.runUnary ===== asynchronous gap =========================== package:test_api/hooks.dart 75:3 OutstandingWork.complete 00:07 +8 -1: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context 00:07 +8 -2: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context [E] Expected: throws with `success`: false and `message`: 'A value of type \'String\' can\'t be assigned to a variable of type \'num\'.' Actual: '> Which: threw RequestException:\n#1 BaseDebugAdapter.handle (package:dds/src/dap/base_debug_adapter.dart:141:7)\n\n" } } }, "command": "evaluate", "message": "A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'num'.", "request_seq": 8, "success": false }> stack which is not an instance of 'Response' package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 149:31 fail package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 125:9 _expect. dart:async/zone.dart 1407:47 _rootRunUnary dart:async/zone.dart 1308:19 _CustomZone.runUnary ===== asynchronous gap =========================== package:test_api/hooks.dart 75:3 OutstandingWork.complete 00:07 +8 -2: debug mode evaluation returns truncated strings by default 00:08 +9 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string without quotes when context is "clipboard" 00:09 +10 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string with quotes when context is "repl" 00:10 +11 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string with quotes when context is a script 00:10 +11 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with simple results Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:11 +12 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation can evaluate in a bin/ file when not paused given a bin/ URI 00:11 +12 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with complex results Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:12 +13 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation can evaluate when not paused given a lib/ URI 00:12 +13 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions ending with semicolons Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:13 +13 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates complex expressions with evaluateToStringInDebugViews=true Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:13 +14 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation returns a suitable error with no context 00:13 +14 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (simple type) Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:14 +15 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation returns a suitable error with an unknown script context 00:14 +15 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (complex type) Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:15 +16 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",nq" suppresses quotes on strings 00:15 +16 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException.x.y to x.y on the threads exception Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:16 +17 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",h" renders numbers in hex 00:16 +17 -2: debug mode evaluation can evaluate expressions in non-top frames Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:16 +18 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",d" renders numbers in decimal 00:17 +18 -2: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:17 +19 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers apply to child values 00:17 +19 -2: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:18 +20 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers multiple can be applied in any order 00:18 +20 -2: debug mode evaluation returns truncated strings by default Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:19 +21 -2: debug mode evaluation value formats supports format.hex in evaluation arguments 00:19 +21 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string without quotes when context is "clipboard" Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:20 +22 -2: Some tests failed. Consider enabling the flag chain-stack-traces to receive more detailed exceptions. For example, 'dart test --chain-stack-traces'. stderr: Unhandled exception: Dummy exception to set exit code. --- Re-run this test: python3 tools/test.py -n unittest-asserts-release-win-x64 pkg/dds/test/dap/integration/debug_eval_test ====================================================== --- Command "vm" (took 23.000493s): set DART_CONFIGURATION=ReleaseX64 & set DART_SUPPRESS_WER=1 & set CHROME_PATH=C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\third_party\browsers\chrome\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe & out\ReleaseX64\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe --enable_asserts --sound-null-safety -Dtest_runner.configuration=unittest-asserts-release-win-x64 --ignore-unrecognized-flags --packages=C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\.dart_tool\package_config.json C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\pkg\dds\test\dap\integration\debug_eval_test.dart exit code: 255 stdout: 00:00 +0: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with simple results 00:00 +1: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with complex results 00:01 +2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions ending with semicolons 00:02 +3: debug mode evaluation evaluates complex expressions with evaluateToStringInDebugViews=true 00:03 +4: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (simple type) 00:04 +5: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (complex type) 00:04 +6: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException.x.y to x.y on the threads exception 00:05 +7: debug mode evaluation can evaluate expressions in non-top frames 00:06 +8: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors 00:07 +8 -1: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors [E] Expected: throws with `success`: false and `message`: (contains 'evaluateInFrame: (113) Expression compilation error' and contains '\'String\' can\'t be assigned to a variable of type \'num\'.' and contains '1 + "a"\n' ' ^') Actual: '> Which: threw RequestException:\n#1 BaseDebugAdapter.handle (package:dds/src/dap/base_debug_adapter.dart:141:7)\n\n" } } }, "command": "evaluate", "message": "evaluateInFrame: (113) Expression compilation error\norg-dartlang-debug:synthetic_debug_expression:1:5: Error: A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'num'.\n1 + \"a\"\n ^", "request_seq": 8, "success": false }> stack which is not an instance of 'Response' package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 149:31 fail package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 125:9 _expect. dart:async/zone.dart 1407:47 _rootRunUnary dart:async/zone.dart 1308:19 _CustomZone.runUnary ===== asynchronous gap =========================== package:test_api/hooks.dart 75:3 OutstandingWork.complete 00:07 +8 -1: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context 00:07 +8 -2: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context [E] Expected: throws with `success`: false and `message`: 'A value of type \'String\' can\'t be assigned to a variable of type \'num\'.' Actual: '> Which: threw RequestException:\n#1 BaseDebugAdapter.handle (package:dds/src/dap/base_debug_adapter.dart:141:7)\n\n" } } }, "command": "evaluate", "message": "A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'num'.", "request_seq": 8, "success": false }> stack which is not an instance of 'Response' package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 149:31 fail package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 125:9 _expect. dart:async/zone.dart 1407:47 _rootRunUnary dart:async/zone.dart 1308:19 _CustomZone.runUnary ===== asynchronous gap =========================== package:test_api/hooks.dart 75:3 OutstandingWork.complete 00:08 +8 -2: debug mode evaluation returns truncated strings by default 00:08 +9 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string without quotes when context is "clipboard" 00:09 +10 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string with quotes when context is "repl" 00:10 +11 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string with quotes when context is a script 00:10 +11 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with simple results Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:11 +12 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation can evaluate in a bin/ file when not paused given a bin/ URI 00:11 +12 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with complex results Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:12 +13 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation can evaluate when not paused given a lib/ URI 00:12 +13 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions ending with semicolons Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:13 +13 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates complex expressions with evaluateToStringInDebugViews=true Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:13 +14 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation returns a suitable error with no context 00:14 +14 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (simple type) Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:14 +15 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation returns a suitable error with an unknown script context 00:14 +15 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (complex type) Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:15 +16 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",nq" suppresses quotes on strings 00:15 +16 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException.x.y to x.y on the threads exception Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:16 +17 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",h" renders numbers in hex 00:16 +17 -2: debug mode evaluation can evaluate expressions in non-top frames Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:16 +18 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",d" renders numbers in decimal 00:17 +18 -2: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:17 +19 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers apply to child values 00:17 +19 -2: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:18 +20 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers multiple can be applied in any order 00:18 +20 -2: debug mode evaluation returns truncated strings by default Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:19 +21 -2: debug mode evaluation value formats supports format.hex in evaluation arguments 00:19 +21 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string without quotes when context is "clipboard" Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:20 +22 -2: Some tests failed. Consider enabling the flag chain-stack-traces to receive more detailed exceptions. For example, 'dart test --chain-stack-traces'. stderr: Unhandled exception: Dummy exception to set exit code. --- Re-run this test: python3 tools/test.py -n unittest-asserts-release-win-x64 pkg/dds/test/dap/integration/debug_eval_test ====================================================== --- Command "vm" (took 22.000939s): set DART_CONFIGURATION=ReleaseX64 & set DART_SUPPRESS_WER=1 & set CHROME_PATH=C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\third_party\browsers\chrome\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe & out\ReleaseX64\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe --enable_asserts --sound-null-safety -Dtest_runner.configuration=unittest-asserts-release-win-x64 --ignore-unrecognized-flags --packages=C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\.dart_tool\package_config.json C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\pkg\dds\test\dap\integration\debug_eval_test.dart exit code: 255 stdout: 00:00 +0: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with simple results 00:00 +1: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with complex results 00:01 +2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions ending with semicolons 00:02 +3: debug mode evaluation evaluates complex expressions with evaluateToStringInDebugViews=true 00:03 +4: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (simple type) 00:03 +5: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (complex type) 00:04 +6: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException.x.y to x.y on the threads exception 00:05 +7: debug mode evaluation can evaluate expressions in non-top frames 00:06 +8: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors 00:06 +8 -1: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors [E] Expected: throws with `success`: false and `message`: (contains 'evaluateInFrame: (113) Expression compilation error' and contains '\'String\' can\'t be assigned to a variable of type \'num\'.' and contains '1 + "a"\n' ' ^') Actual: '> Which: threw RequestException:\n#1 BaseDebugAdapter.handle (package:dds/src/dap/base_debug_adapter.dart:141:7)\n\n" } } }, "command": "evaluate", "message": "evaluateInFrame: (113) Expression compilation error\norg-dartlang-debug:synthetic_debug_expression:1:5: Error: A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'num'.\n1 + \"a\"\n ^", "request_seq": 8, "success": false }> stack which is not an instance of 'Response' package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 149:31 fail package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 125:9 _expect. dart:async/zone.dart 1407:47 _rootRunUnary dart:async/zone.dart 1308:19 _CustomZone.runUnary ===== asynchronous gap =========================== package:test_api/hooks.dart 75:3 OutstandingWork.complete 00:07 +8 -1: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context 00:07 +8 -2: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context [E] Expected: throws with `success`: false and `message`: 'A value of type \'String\' can\'t be assigned to a variable of type \'num\'.' Actual: '> Which: threw RequestException:\n#1 BaseDebugAdapter.handle (package:dds/src/dap/base_debug_adapter.dart:141:7)\n\n" } } }, "command": "evaluate", "message": "A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'num'.", "request_seq": 8, "success": false }> stack which is not an instance of 'Response' package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 149:31 fail package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 125:9 _expect. dart:async/zone.dart 1407:47 _rootRunUnary dart:async/zone.dart 1308:19 _CustomZone.runUnary ===== asynchronous gap =========================== package:test_api/hooks.dart 75:3 OutstandingWork.complete 00:07 +8 -2: debug mode evaluation returns truncated strings by default 00:08 +9 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string without quotes when context is "clipboard" 00:09 +10 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string with quotes when context is "repl" 00:10 +11 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string with quotes when context is a script 00:10 +11 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with simple results Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:10 +12 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation can evaluate in a bin/ file when not paused given a bin/ URI 00:11 +12 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with complex results Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:11 +13 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation can evaluate when not paused given a lib/ URI 00:12 +13 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions ending with semicolons Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:13 +14 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation returns a suitable error with no context 00:13 +14 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates complex expressions with evaluateToStringInDebugViews=true Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:13 +14 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (simple type) Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:14 +15 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation returns a suitable error with an unknown script context 00:14 +15 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (complex type) Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:15 +16 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",nq" suppresses quotes on strings 00:15 +16 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException.x.y to x.y on the threads exception Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:15 +17 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",h" renders numbers in hex 00:16 +17 -2: debug mode evaluation can evaluate expressions in non-top frames Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:16 +18 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",d" renders numbers in decimal 00:17 +18 -2: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:17 +19 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers apply to child values 00:17 +19 -2: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:18 +20 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers multiple can be applied in any order 00:18 +20 -2: debug mode evaluation returns truncated strings by default Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:18 +21 -2: debug mode evaluation value formats supports format.hex in evaluation arguments 00:19 +21 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string without quotes when context is "clipboard" Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:19 +22 -2: Some tests failed. Consider enabling the flag chain-stack-traces to receive more detailed exceptions. For example, 'dart test --chain-stack-traces'. stderr: Unhandled exception: Dummy exception to set exit code. --- Re-run this test: python3 tools/test.py -n unittest-asserts-release-win-x64 pkg/dds/test/dap/integration/debug_eval_test ====================================================== --- Command "vm" (took 22.000744s): set DART_CONFIGURATION=ReleaseX64 & set DART_SUPPRESS_WER=1 & set CHROME_PATH=C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\third_party\browsers\chrome\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe & out\ReleaseX64\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe --enable_asserts --sound-null-safety -Dtest_runner.configuration=unittest-asserts-release-win-x64 --ignore-unrecognized-flags --packages=C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\.dart_tool\package_config.json C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\pkg\dds\test\dap\integration\debug_eval_test.dart exit code: 255 stdout: 00:00 +0: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with simple results 00:00 +1: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with complex results 00:01 +2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions ending with semicolons 00:02 +3: debug mode evaluation evaluates complex expressions with evaluateToStringInDebugViews=true 00:03 +4: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (simple type) 00:03 +5: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (complex type) 00:04 +6: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException.x.y to x.y on the threads exception 00:05 +7: debug mode evaluation can evaluate expressions in non-top frames 00:06 +8: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors 00:06 +8 -1: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors [E] Expected: throws with `success`: false and `message`: (contains 'evaluateInFrame: (113) Expression compilation error' and contains '\'String\' can\'t be assigned to a variable of type \'num\'.' and contains '1 + "a"\n' ' ^') Actual: '> Which: threw RequestException:\n#1 BaseDebugAdapter.handle (package:dds/src/dap/base_debug_adapter.dart:141:7)\n\n" } } }, "command": "evaluate", "message": "evaluateInFrame: (113) Expression compilation error\norg-dartlang-debug:synthetic_debug_expression:1:5: Error: A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'num'.\n1 + \"a\"\n ^", "request_seq": 8, "success": false }> stack which is not an instance of 'Response' package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 149:31 fail package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 125:9 _expect. dart:async/zone.dart 1407:47 _rootRunUnary dart:async/zone.dart 1308:19 _CustomZone.runUnary ===== asynchronous gap =========================== package:test_api/hooks.dart 75:3 OutstandingWork.complete 00:06 +8 -1: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context 00:07 +8 -2: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context [E] Expected: throws with `success`: false and `message`: 'A value of type \'String\' can\'t be assigned to a variable of type \'num\'.' Actual: '> Which: threw RequestException:\n#1 BaseDebugAdapter.handle (package:dds/src/dap/base_debug_adapter.dart:141:7)\n\n" } } }, "command": "evaluate", "message": "A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'num'.", "request_seq": 8, "success": false }> stack which is not an instance of 'Response' package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 149:31 fail package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 125:9 _expect. dart:async/zone.dart 1407:47 _rootRunUnary dart:async/zone.dart 1308:19 _CustomZone.runUnary ===== asynchronous gap =========================== package:test_api/hooks.dart 75:3 OutstandingWork.complete 00:07 +8 -2: debug mode evaluation returns truncated strings by default 00:08 +9 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string without quotes when context is "clipboard" 00:09 +10 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string with quotes when context is "repl" 00:10 +11 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string with quotes when context is a script 00:10 +11 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with simple results Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:10 +12 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation can evaluate in a bin/ file when not paused given a bin/ URI 00:11 +12 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with complex results Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:11 +13 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation can evaluate when not paused given a lib/ URI 00:12 +13 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions ending with semicolons Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:12 +14 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation returns a suitable error with no context 00:13 +14 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates complex expressions with evaluateToStringInDebugViews=true Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:13 +14 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (simple type) Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:13 +15 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation returns a suitable error with an unknown script context 00:14 +15 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (complex type) Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:14 +16 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",nq" suppresses quotes on strings 00:15 +16 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException.x.y to x.y on the threads exception Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:15 +17 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",h" renders numbers in hex 00:16 +17 -2: debug mode evaluation can evaluate expressions in non-top frames Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:16 +18 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",d" renders numbers in decimal 00:16 +18 -2: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:17 +19 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers apply to child values 00:17 +19 -2: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:18 +20 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers multiple can be applied in any order 00:18 +20 -2: debug mode evaluation returns truncated strings by default Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:18 +21 -2: debug mode evaluation value formats supports format.hex in evaluation arguments 00:19 +21 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string without quotes when context is "clipboard" Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:19 +22 -2: Some tests failed. Consider enabling the flag chain-stack-traces to receive more detailed exceptions. For example, 'dart test --chain-stack-traces'. stderr: Unhandled exception: Dummy exception to set exit code. --- Re-run this test: python3 tools/test.py -n unittest-asserts-release-win-x64 pkg/dds/test/dap/integration/debug_eval_test ====================================================== --- Command "vm" (took 22.000594s): set DART_CONFIGURATION=ReleaseX64 & set DART_SUPPRESS_WER=1 & set CHROME_PATH=C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\third_party\browsers\chrome\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe & out\ReleaseX64\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe --enable_asserts --sound-null-safety -Dtest_runner.configuration=unittest-asserts-release-win-x64 --ignore-unrecognized-flags --packages=C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\.dart_tool\package_config.json C:\b\s\w\ir\cache\builder\sdk\pkg\dds\test\dap\integration\debug_eval_test.dart exit code: 255 stdout: 00:00 +0: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with simple results 00:00 +1: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with complex results 00:01 +2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions ending with semicolons 00:02 +3: debug mode evaluation evaluates complex expressions with evaluateToStringInDebugViews=true 00:03 +4: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (simple type) 00:03 +5: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (complex type) 00:04 +6: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException.x.y to x.y on the threads exception 00:05 +7: debug mode evaluation can evaluate expressions in non-top frames 00:06 +8: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors 00:06 +8 -1: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors [E] Expected: throws with `success`: false and `message`: (contains 'evaluateInFrame: (113) Expression compilation error' and contains '\'String\' can\'t be assigned to a variable of type \'num\'.' and contains '1 + "a"\n' ' ^') Actual: '> Which: threw RequestException:\n#1 BaseDebugAdapter.handle (package:dds/src/dap/base_debug_adapter.dart:141:7)\n\n" } } }, "command": "evaluate", "message": "evaluateInFrame: (113) Expression compilation error\norg-dartlang-debug:synthetic_debug_expression:1:5: Error: A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'num'.\n1 + \"a\"\n ^", "request_seq": 8, "success": false }> stack which is not an instance of 'Response' package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 149:31 fail package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 125:9 _expect. dart:async/zone.dart 1407:47 _rootRunUnary dart:async/zone.dart 1308:19 _CustomZone.runUnary ===== asynchronous gap =========================== package:test_api/hooks.dart 75:3 OutstandingWork.complete 00:06 +8 -1: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context 00:07 +8 -2: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context [E] Expected: throws with `success`: false and `message`: 'A value of type \'String\' can\'t be assigned to a variable of type \'num\'.' Actual: '> Which: threw RequestException:\n#1 BaseDebugAdapter.handle (package:dds/src/dap/base_debug_adapter.dart:141:7)\n\n" } } }, "command": "evaluate", "message": "A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'num'.", "request_seq": 8, "success": false }> stack which is not an instance of 'Response' package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 149:31 fail package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 125:9 _expect. dart:async/zone.dart 1407:47 _rootRunUnary dart:async/zone.dart 1308:19 _CustomZone.runUnary ===== asynchronous gap =========================== package:test_api/hooks.dart 75:3 OutstandingWork.complete 00:07 +8 -2: debug mode evaluation returns truncated strings by default 00:08 +9 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string without quotes when context is "clipboard" 00:09 +10 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string with quotes when context is "repl" 00:09 +11 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string with quotes when context is a script 00:10 +12 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation can evaluate in a bin/ file when not paused given a bin/ URI 00:10 +12 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with simple results Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:11 +12 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions with complex results Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:11 +13 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation can evaluate when not paused given a lib/ URI 00:12 +13 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates expressions ending with semicolons Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:12 +14 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation returns a suitable error with no context 00:13 +14 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates complex expressions with evaluateToStringInDebugViews=true Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:13 +15 -2: debug mode evaluation global evaluation returns a suitable error with an unknown script context 00:13 +15 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (simple type) Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:14 +15 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException to the threads exception (complex type) Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:14 +16 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",nq" suppresses quotes on strings 00:15 +16 -2: debug mode evaluation evaluates $_threadException.x.y to x.y on the threads exception Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:15 +17 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",h" renders numbers in hex 00:16 +17 -2: debug mode evaluation can evaluate expressions in non-top frames Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:16 +18 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers ",d" renders numbers in decimal 00:16 +18 -2: debug mode evaluation returns the full message for evaluation errors Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:17 +19 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers apply to child values 00:17 +19 -2: debug mode evaluation returns short errors for evaluation in "watch" context Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:17 +20 -2: debug mode evaluation format specifiers multiple can be applied in any order 00:18 +20 -2: debug mode evaluation returns truncated strings by default Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:18 +21 -2: debug mode evaluation value formats supports format.hex in evaluation arguments 00:19 +21 -2: debug mode evaluation returns whole string without quotes when context is "clipboard" Request "terminate" has taken longer than 10s 00:19 +22 -2: Some tests failed. Consider enabling the flag chain-stack-traces to receive more detailed exceptions. For example, 'dart test --chain-stack-traces'. stderr: Unhandled exception: Dummy exception to set exit code. --- Re-run this test: python3 tools/test.py -n unittest-asserts-release-win-x64 pkg/dds/test/dap/integration/debug_eval_test